
Showing posts from November, 2014

a year after . . .

It has been a year... More than a year, actually. I made the impossible, possible. Continue reading »

Taylor Swift - You Are In Love 中文翻譯歌詞

Taylor Swift - You Are In Love 泰勒絲 - 你戀愛惹 Written by Taylor Swift, Jack Antonoff One look, dark room 幽暗的房間 一個眼神 Meant just for you 對你來說意義非凡 Time moved too fast 光陰似箭 You played it back 你讓美好時光重複播送 Buttons on a coat 外套上的紐扣 Lighthearted joke 輕鬆的玩笑 No proof, not much 不能證明什麼 But you saw enough 但你一目了然 Small talk, he drives 簡短的對話 他開著車 Coffee at midnight, 深夜的咖啡 The light reflects the chain on your neck 光映出你頸上的項鍊 He says look up 他說 妳看看天空 And your shoulders brush 你們的肩膀輕觸 No proof, one touch 一個觸碰不能證明什麼 But you felt enough 但感受已經如此強烈 You can hear it in the silence, silence 你能在沈默中聽到 You can feel it on the way home, way home 你能在歸途中感受到 You could see it with the lights out, lights out 你能在燈光熄滅後看到 You are in love, true love 你沈浸愛裡 真愛裡 You are in love 你墜入愛河 Morning, his place 在他家的早晨 Burn toast, sunday 烤著土司的週日 You keep his shirt 妳留著他的衣服 He keeps his word 他信守著承諾 And for once you let go of your fears and your ghosts 妳終於釋放對愛的恐懼 One step, not much, but it said enough 一個步伐不能證明什麼 但意思不言而喻 You kiss on sidewalks 你們在人...

Taylor Swift - New Romantics 中文翻譯歌詞

Taylor Swift - New Romantics 泰勒絲 - 新浪漫 Written by Taylor Swift, Max Martin, Shellback We're all bored, we're all so tired of everything 我們無聊至極 我們厭倦一切 We wait for trains that just aren't coming 我們等的列車還不來 We show off our different scarlet letters 我們被貼上不同的標籤 Trust me, mine is better 相信我 我的更糟 We're so young, we're on the road to ruin 我們如此年輕 踏上毀滅之路 We play dumb we know exactly what we're doing 我們裝瘋賣傻 但我們腦子清楚的很 We cry tears of mascara in the bathroom 我們在浴室哭泣 像畫了煙燻妝 Honey life is just a class room 親愛的,人生就像一間教室 Cause baby I could build a castle 寶貝,我能用人們丟擲過來的磚頭 Out of all the bricks they threw at me 築起一座城堡 And everyday is like a battle 每天都像在戰鬥 But every night with us is like a dream 跟我們狂歡的夜晚卻像場夢 Baby, we're the new romantics 親愛的,我們是新浪漫主義者 Come on, come along with me 來吧來吧 加入我吧 Heartbreak is the national anthem 心碎的聲音就是國歌 We singing proudly 我們驕傲的唱著 We're too busy dancing to get knocked off our feet 我們沈浸舞池 沒空停歇 Baby we're the new romantics 寶貝,我們是新浪漫主義者 The best p...