Lara - Dream Weavers Garden

Listen to the song

Today is hell busy... and irritating, annoying, and full of negativity. I simply don't like this day.

I watched Alice In Wonder City after the headache-y Benesse training and I'm glad no one disturbed me. After watching it, I started to appreciate this song. At first I was like "Why was this AIWC's opening song? It sounds so sad." Now I understand why. I also understand now why they have that part where they are holding balloons of different colors. I don't want to be a spoiler okay? Just watch AIWC. I know it's not like other dramas out there. It really has a different storyline and it seems really boring. But trust me, it may never be categorized on your favorites but this drama really is different among others.

Anyway, going back. the song made me calm a bit. Though I am still annoyed with everything around me. I'm glad I didn't walk out earlier and I instead stayed and watched AIWC. Oh well.....

Below is the lyrics. I am trying my best to translate the song, but my limited Mandarin can't make a sense of the whole thing, though I understand parts of it, that's why I appreciate it more.

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