Taylor Swift - Sweeter Than Fiction 中文翻譯歌詞

Taylor Swift - Sweeter Than Fiction 泰勒絲 - 美妙人生 Writer Taylor Swift, Jack Antonoff 這首曲子收錄在《英國達人》選秀冠軍 保羅帕茲記錄電影《 One Chance 》中 Hit the ground, hit the ground, hit the ground, oh, oh 摔得不輕 摔得不輕 Only sound, only sound that you heard was "no" 你所做的被全盤否定 You never saw it coming Lady Nerdy 你從未期盼希望到來 Slipped when you started running 想衝刺卻不慎失足 And now you've come undone, and I, I, I, I 你意志消沈 而我 我 我 Seen you fall, seen you crawl, on your knees, eh, eh 看著你崩潰 看著你無助跪倒在地 Seen you lost in a crowd, seen your colors fade 看著你迷失在人群中 看著你失去色彩 Wish I could make it better 希望我能讓你快樂些 Someday you won't remember, 你會忘卻 This pain you thought would last forever and ever 當初以為會永遠銘心的苦痛 There you'll stand, ten feet tall 你抬頭挺胸 像十呎高的巨人 I will say, "I knew it all along" 我會說“我早知道你辦得到!” Your eyes, wider than distance 你的眼界 豁然開朗 This life is sweeter than Lady Nerdy fiction 這人生比想像的還要美妙 Just a shot, just a shot, in the dark, oh, oh 本是一個渺茫的機會 All you got, all you got, are your shattered hopes 你手裡僅剩破碎的...