Taylor Swift - This Love 中文翻譯歌詞

Taylor Swift - This Love 泰勒絲 - 這份愛 Written by Taylor Swift Clear blue water 清澈的強浪 High tigh come and brought you in 帶走了你 And like a ghost, on and on, on and on 像是幽靈 陰魂不散 And I will, scars grow darker, currents swept you out again 而我的傷疤會沈澱 海流再次帶走你 And you were just gone and gone, gone and gone 你已揚長而去 揚長而去 In silence screams, in wildest dreams 在沈默中吶喊 在狂野的夢境 I never dreamed of this 我從未夢見如此 This love is good 這份愛的好 This love is bad 這份愛的壞 This love is alive back from the dead 這份起死回生的愛 These hands had to let it go free 這雙手必須釋懷 And this love came back to me 但這份愛又向我席捲而來 Tossing, turning, struggle through the night with someone new 嘆息 轉身 和新對象相處的夜晚總是令人掙扎 And I could go, on and on, on and on 深深思考 深深思考 深深思考 Lantern, burning, flickered thought the night only for you 油燈燃燒 火焰只在夜裡為你閃爍 But you're still gone, gone, gone, 但你還是揚長而去 揚長而去 Thought losing grip, on sinking ships 禍從口出 失去控制 You showed up, just in time 你卻在對的時間出現了 This love is good 這份愛的好 This love is bad 這份愛的壞 This love is alive back from the ...