
Showing posts from December, 2012

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Taylor Swift - A Place In This World 中文翻譯歌詞

A Place In This World 容身之處 Written by Swift/Orrall/Angelo I don't know what I want, so don't ask me 我不知道我的方向, 所以別問我 Cause I'm still trying to figure it out 因為我也還在找尋答案 Don't know what's down this road, I'm just walking 不知道這條道路的上有什麼, 我繼續走著 Trying to see through the rain coming down 希望能在雨中能看清人生的真諦 Even though I'm not the only one 雖然我不是唯一 Who feels the way I do 有這種感覺的人 [Chorus:] I'm alone, on my own, and that's all I know 我只知道我獨自一人 I'll be strong, I'll be wrong, oh but life goes on 我會堅強, 我也會犯錯, 但日子還是要繼續過 I'm just a girl, trying to find a place in 我只是個女孩, 試著在這世界上 This world 找一個容身之處 Got the radio on, my old blue jeans 打開收音機, 我的舊藍色牛仔褲 And I'm wearing my heart on my sleeve 我把我的心輕放在我的袖上(引申"我將感情表露無遺) Feeling lucky today, got the sunshine 我感到今天很幸運, 陽光充沛 Could you tell me what more do I need 我還要貪心些什麼呢? And tomorrow's just a mystery, oh yeah 明日是一團謎 But that's ok 但無所謂 [Repeat Chorus] Maybe I&

Taylor Swift - Eyes Open 中文翻譯歌詞

Taylor Swift - Eyes Open 泰勒絲 - 全神貫注 Written by Taylor Swift Everybody's waiting 每個人都在等著 Everybody's watching 每個人都在看好戲 Even when you're sleeping 就算你已精疲力竭 Keep your ey-eyes open 也要讓雙眼全神貫注 The tricky thing 這是件詭異的事情 Is yesterday we were just children 昨日我們還是無憂無慮的孩子 Playing soldiers 玩著軍人遊戲 Just pretending 假扮的遊戲 Dreaming dreams with happy endings 夢想著快樂結局 In backyards, winning battles with our wooden swords 在後院, 揮舞著木劍高喊勝利 But now we've stepped into a cruel world 但現在我們進入了殘酷的真實世界 Where everybody stands and keeps score 每個人只想著得高分 Keep your eyes open 讓你的雙眼全神貫注 Everybody's waiting for you to breakdown 每個人都在等你崩潰 Everybody's watching to see the fallout 每個人都在等著結局 Even when you're sleeping, sleeping 就算你已精疲力竭 Keep your ey-eyes open 讓你的雙眼全神貫注 Keep your ey-eyes open 讓你的雙眼全神貫注 Keep your ey-eyes open 讓你的雙眼全神貫注 So here you are, two steps ahead and staying on guard 雖然你領先了兩步, 還是要保持警戒 Every lesson forms a new scar 每次教訓都留下了傷疤 They never thought you'd make it t

Taylor Swift - State of Grace 中文翻譯歌詞

Taylor Swift - State of Grace 泰勒絲 - 天賜良緣 Written by Taylor Swift Im walking fast through the traffic lights 我快速通過紅綠燈 Busy streets and busy lives 忙碌的街道 忙碌的生活 And all we know is touch and go 我們只知擦肩而過 We alone with our changing minds 我們跟善變的心獨處 We fall in love till it hurts or bleeds, or fades in time 我們相愛直到受傷淌血 抑或浪擲時間 And I never saw you coming 我從沒有預感你的到來 And I’ll never be the same 我的生命因此改變 You come around and the armor falls 你來到我身旁使我放下防備 Pierce the room like a cannon ball 像炮彈穿刺我的心防 Now all we know, is don’t let go 現在我們都知道 別輕易放手 We are alone just you and me 只有我和你 Up in your room and our slates are clean 在你的房間裡, 我們純真無比 Just twin fire signs, four blue eyes 一雙火象星座 四顆碧藍的眼 So you were never a saint 你從來不是個聖人 And I’ve loved in shades of wrong 我也曾經愛著錯誤的形影 We learn to live with the pain 我們學著活在痛苦裡 Mosaic broken hearts 拼湊破碎的心 But this love is brave and wild 但這份愛勇敢狂野 And I never saw you coming 我從沒有預感你的到來 And I’ll never be the same 我的生命因此改變 This is a state of grace 這是天賜良緣 This is

Taylor Swift - White Horse 中文翻譯歌詞

Taylor Swift - White Horse 泰勒絲 - 白馬王子 Written by Swift/Rose Say you're sorry that face of an angel comes out just when you need it to 每當你需要說抱歉的時候,你的臉看起來就像天使 as I paced back and forth all this time 進進退退,這段時間 cause I honestly believed in you 只因為我真心的相信你 holding on and days drag on 歹戲拖棚 stupid girl,I should have known, I should have known... 笨女孩,我早該知道,我早該知道了… I'm not a princess, this ain't a fairy tale 我不是公主,這不是童話故事 I'm not the one you sweep off her feet, lead her up the stairwell 我不是那個被你迷的暈頭轉向、被你領上樓的女孩 This ain't Hollywood, this is a small town, 這不是好萊塢,這只是一個小鎮 I was a dreamer before you went and let me down 在你離開讓我失望之前,我曾是個充滿夢想的女孩 Now it's too late for you and your white horse to come around 現在你帶著白馬出現,已經太遲了… Maybe I was naive, 或許我很天真 got lost in your eyes and never really had a chance 在你眼裡迷失了自我,連逃脫的機會都沒有 My mistake, I didn't know to be in love 這是我的錯,我從來不知道 You had to fight to have the upper hand 愛是要爭取的,看誰佔上風 I had so m

Taylor Swift - Cold As You 中文翻譯歌詞

Taylor Swift - Cold As You 泰勒絲 - 冷若冰霜 Written by Swift/Rose You have a way of coming easily to me 你輕易闖進了我的世界 And when you take you take the very best of me 而你卻帶走了最好的我 So I start a fight cause I need to feel something 我開始掙扎,因為我需要感受些什麼 You do what you want cause I'm not what you wanted 你卻隨心所欲,因為我並不是你想要的那個人 Oh, what a shame 噢,多麼可惜呀 What a rainy ending given to a perfect day 完美的一天卻在大雨中結束 Just walk away 大步邁開吧 No use defending words that you will never say 沒必要為你不可能說的話找藉口 And now that I'm sitting here thinking it through 現在我坐在這裡看著事過境遷 I've never been anywhere cold as you 我從來沒有感受過如此的冰冷,你帶來的冰冷 You put up walls and paint them all a shade of gray 你築起一道心牆, 漆上陰影 And I stood there loving you and washed them all away 我佇立原地愛著你,還要親手洗去灰暗 And you come away with a great little story 而你卻帶著一個夢想破滅 of a mess of a dreamer with the nerve to adore you 卻勇敢愛著你的人的故事離開我身邊 Oh, what a shame 噢,多麼可惜呀 What a rainy ending given to a perfect day 完美的一天卻在大雨中結束 So just w

Taylor Swift - The Best Day 中文翻譯歌詞

Taylor Swift - The Best Day 泰勒絲 - 完美的一天 Written by Taylor Swift I'm five years old 我5歲大 It's getting cold 天氣越來越冷 I've got my big coat on 有人幫我穿上大衣 I hear your laugh 我聽到妳的笑聲 And look up smiling at you 我仰頭微笑看著妳 I run and run 我跑來跑去 Past the pumpkin patch 穿越南瓜田 And the tractor rides 還有拖拉機 Look now -- the sky is gold 看, 天空是金黃色的 I hug your legs and fall asleep 我在回家的路上 On the way home 抱著妳的腿睡著了 I don't know why all the trees change in the fall 我不懂為何在秋天所有的樹都變了顏色 I know you're not scared of anything at all 但我知道你什麼都不怕 Don't know if Snow White's house is near or far away 雖然不知道白雪公主的家是近還是遠 But I know I had the best day 但我知道我跟妳 With you today 有完美的一天 I'm thirteen now 我13歲了 And don't know how my friends 我不懂為什麼我的朋友 Could be so mean 可以如此刻薄 I come home crying and you hold me tight and grab the keys 我哭著回家, 妳緊抱著我, 抓起了車鑰匙 And we drive and drive 我們開著開著 Until we've found a town 直到我們發現了一座小鎮 Far enough away 離家夠遠 And we talk and wi

Taylor Swift feat. The Civil Wars - Safe & Sound 中文翻譯歌詞

Safe & Sound (feat. The Civil Wars) 泰勒絲 feat. The Civil Wars - 安然無恙 Written by Taylor Swift, Joy Williams, John Paul White, T-Bone Burnett I remember tears streaming down your face 我記得眼淚滑落你的臉龐 When I said, "I'll never let you go" 當我輕語著"我永遠不會讓你離開我身邊" When all those shadows almost killed your light 當所有的陰影遮蔽照亮你的光線 I remember you said, "Don't leave me here alone" 我記得你說"別丟下我一人" But all that's dead and gone and passed tonight 但所有一切在今夜都已死去、消失、遠離了 Just close your eyes 閉上你的眼睛 The sun is going down 太陽就要西沉了 You'll be alright 你會沒事的 No one can hurt you now 現在沒有人能傷害你 Come morning light 只要迎來了晨曦 You and I'll be safe and sound 你和我就會安然無恙 Don't you dare look out your window darling 親愛的,你敢望向窗外嗎? Everything's on fire 萬物焚燒著 The war outside our door keeps raging on 門外烽火連天 Hold onto this lullaby 仔細聽著這首搖籃曲 Even when the music's gone 就算樂聲消逝了 Gone 消逝了 Just close your eyes 閉上你的眼睛 The sun is goin

Taylor Swift - Mary's Song (Oh My My ) 中文翻譯歌詞

Taylor Swift - Mary's Song (Oh My My) 泰勒絲 - 瑪麗之歌 Written by Swift/Rose/Maher She said:I was seven and you were nine 她說:我七歲你九歲 I looked at you like the stars that shined 我就像看著星星閃爍一樣看著你 In the sky, the pretty lights 在天際,那美麗的星光 And our daddies used to joke about the two of us 我們的爸爸常常開我們兩個玩笑 Growing up and falling in love 他說我們長大會愛上彼此 and our mamas smiled 而我們的媽媽微笑 And rolled their eyes and said oh my my my 凝視著我們,說著:我的寶貝呀 Take me back to the house in the backyard tree 回到我家後院的樹下 Said you'd beat me up, you were bigger than me 你說你比我大會欺負我 You never did, you never did 你卻沒有,從來沒有 Take me back to when our world was one block wide 當時我們的世界只有一個街角大 I dared you to kiss me and ran when you tried 我敢說你會偷吻我然後跑掉 Just two kids, you and I 兩個孩子,你和我 Oh my my my my 噢 親愛的 I was sixteen when suddenly 忽然間我十六歲了 I wasn't that little girl you used to see 我已經不是當初你認識的那個小女孩 But your eyes still shined like pretty lights 但你的眼神還是依舊如昔 And our daddies used to joke about the two of us 我們的爸爸以前常開我們玩笑 They never believe

Taylor Swift - Teardrops On My Guitar 中文翻譯歌詞

Taylor Swift - Teardrops On My Guitar 泰勒絲 - 吉他淚珠 Written by Swift/Rose Drew looks at me Drew 看著我 I fake a smile so he won't see 我假裝微笑,那樣他才不會看見 What I want and I need 我想要的、我需要的 And everything that we should be 還有我們應該擁有的一切 I'll bet she's beautiful 我敢說她一定很漂亮 That girl he talks about 他口中的那個女孩 And she's got everything 她得到了一切 That I have to live without 我卻要失去全部 Drew talks to me Drew 跟我聊天 I laugh 'cause it's just so funny 他的幽默讓我笑個不停 I can't even see 我無法看見 Anyone when he's with me 除了他以外的人 He says he's so in love 他說他墜入愛河了 He's finally got it right 他終於遇到對的人 I wonder if he knows 我很好奇他知不知道 He's all I think about at night 他就是我朝思暮想的那個人 He's the reason for the teardrops on my guitar 他是讓我淚灑吉他的理由 The only thing that keeps me wishing on a wishing star 也是讓我不停向流星許願的對象 He's the song in the car I keep singing 他是我在車上不停吟唱的一首歌 Don't know why I do 不知道為什麼,我無法停止 Drew walks by me Drew 跟我並肩走著 Can he tell that I can't breathe? 他看得出來我快窒

Taylor Swift - Come In With the Rain 中文翻譯歌詞

Taylor Swift - Come In With the Rain 泰勒絲 - 風雨見真情 Written by Swift/Rose I could go back to every laugh, 我大可繼續接受眾人嘲笑 But I don't wanna' go there anymore, 但我不想再繼續如此了 And I know all the steps up to your door, 而我也清楚回到你身邊的方式 But I don't wanna' go there anymore. 但我不想再繼續如此了 Talk to the wind, talk to the sky, 跟風傾訴、跟天空傾訴 Talk to the man with the reasons why, 跟老天爺傾訴 And let me know what you find. 讓我知道你在尋覓些什麼 I’ll leave my window open, 我會留一扇窗 Cause I’m too tired at night to call your name. 因為我厭倦了在夜裡呼喊你的名字 Just know I’m right here hopin’, 只想讓你知道我在這裡期盼著 That you’ll come in with the rain. 希望你會在傾盆大雨時來到我身邊 I could stand up and sing you a song, 我可以起身為你唱一首歌 But I don’t wanna’ have to go that far. 但是我想我不需要做得那麼多 And I, I’ve got you down, 而我…曾經記下你說的一字一句  I know you by heart, 我真的了解你 And you don’t even know where I start. 而你卻連我的開始都不曉得 Talk to yourself, talk to the tears, 跟自己傾訴、跟眼淚傾訴 Talk to the man who put you here, 就算天空不清澈湛藍的時候 And don’t wait for th

Taylor Swift - Forever And Always 中文翻譯歌詞

Taylor Swift - Forever And Always 泰勒絲 - 永遠不變 Written by Taylor Swift Once upon a time, I believe it was a Tuesday 很久很久以前,我想應該是某個星期二 When I caught your eye 我注視著你的眼睛 We caught onto something, I hold on to the night 那天晚上 You looked me in the eye and told me you loved me 你看著我的眼睛告訴我你愛我 Were you just kidding? 難道那只是開玩笑嗎? 'Cause it seems to me 因為對我來說 This thing is breaking down, 一切都粉碎了 we almost never speak 我們幾乎不再講話 I don't feel welcome anymore 我變成你不歡迎的人 Baby, what happened? Please tell me 寶貝,發生什麼事情了?告訴我好嗎? 'Cause one second it was perfect 前一秒還很完美 Now you're halfway out the door 現在你卻轉身要離開 And I stare at the phone; he still hasn't called 我盯著電話,他還是不打來 And then you feel so low, you can't feel nothin' at all 心情低落,感覺不到任何事情 And you flashback to when he said, forever and always 回憶侵襲,當他說 永遠愛我不變 … Oh, oh 噢 And it rains in your bedroom, everything is wrong 房間好像下起了雨,一切都不對勁 It rains when you're here and it rains when you're go

Taylor Swift - Back to December 中文翻譯歌詞

Taylor Swift - Back to December 泰勒絲 - 回到12月 Written by Taylor Swift I'm so glad you made time to see me. 很高興你抽空來見我 How's life, tell me how's your family? 你過得怎麼樣?跟我說說你的家人吧? I haven't seen them in a while. 我好一陣子沒見到他們了 You've been good, busier then ever. 你過得很好,比以前還忙碌 We small talk, work and the weather 我們簡短的談著工作跟天氣 Your guard is up and I know why. 你的防備我可以理解 Cause the last time you saw me 因為最後一次見面 Is still burned in the back of your mind. 仍然在你心中焚燒 You gave me roses and I left them there to die. 你送我玫瑰,我卻任由它們凋零 So this is me swallowing my pride 所以我吞下我的自尊 Standing in front of you saying I'm sorry for that night, 站在你面前跟你說,那一夜我很抱歉 And I go back to December all the time. 我時常回想起十二月 Turns out freedom ain't nothing but missing you, 以為得到自由卻留下無盡思念 Wishing that I realized what I had when you were mine. 希望那時就能了解你對我意義 I go back to December, turn around and make it all right. 我想回到十二月扭轉一切 I go back to December all the time. 我時常回想起十二月 These days I haven

Taylor Swift - Mine 中文翻譯歌詞

Taylor Swift - Mine 泰勒絲 - 我的最愛 Written by Taylor Swift Oh, oh, oh Oh, oh, oh You were in college, working part-time, waiting tables 你念大學時在餐廳裡打工 Left a small town and never looked back 頭也不回地離鄉背景 I was a flight risk, afraid of fallin' 我害怕飛上高空就會墜落 Wondering why we bother with love, if it never lasts 心想如果愛不能永恆,何必相遇 I say, "Can you believe it?" 我說「你相信嗎?」 As we're lyin' on the couch 當我們依偎在沙發上 The moment, I can see it 此刻我看見了 Yes, yes, I can see it now 是的,是的,我現在明白了 Do you remember, we were sittin' there, by the water? 你還記得我們坐在水塘邊嗎? You put your arm around me for the fist time 你第一次用雙臂環繞著我 You made a rebel of a careless man's careful daughter 你讓破碎家庭的女兒成了你的俘虜 You are the best thing that's ever been mine 擁有你,是我此生最美好的事 Flash forward, and we're takin' on the world together 想像未來,我們一起冒險世界 And there's a drawer of my things at your place 你住的地方有個抽屜放著我的東西 You learn my secrets and figure out why I'm guarded 你知道我的秘密 知道為何我如此防備 You say we

Taylor Swift - Enchanted 中文翻譯歌詞

Taylor Swift - Enchanted 泰勒絲 - 魔法愛情 Written by Taylor Swift There I was again tonight 今晚我又勉強自己了 Forcing laughter, faking smiles 強迫自己大笑 假裝微笑 Same old tired lonely place 厭倦了形隻影單 Walls of insincerity, 築起虛情假意 Shifting eyes and vacancy 眼神飄忽 內心空洞 Vanished when I saw your face 卻在我看見你的臉後全都消失了 All I can say is it was enchanting to meet you 我只能說, 遇見你就像被施了魔法 Your eyes whispered "Have we met? " 你的眼神低語 "我們曾經見過嗎?" Across the room your silhouette 你的剪影跨過心防 Starts to make its way to me 筆直地映照著我 The playful conversation starts 玩味的對話開始了 Counter all your quick remarks 你所有不假思索的回覆 Like passing notes in secrecy 像是祕密地傳著紙條 And it was enchanting to meet you 我像着了迷般想見你 All I can say is I was enchanted to meet you 我只能說, 遇見你就像被施了魔法 This night is sparkling, don't you let it go 這個夜晚正閃閃發亮著, 別讓這美景消失好嗎? I'm wonderstruck, blushing all the way home 我吃驚不已, 回家的途中雙頰的紅潮退不去 I'll spend forever wondering if you knew 我願耗費一生 只為得知你是否早已明瞭 I was enchanted to meet you 遇見你就像被施了魔法 The lingering question ke

Help me choose maybe?

It's only been a week and 4 days since I lost my precious phone yet it feels like forever! I am quite in a 'rush' to buy a new phone because: The district convention will be next week and I want to take decent pictures with anyone I know and record the drama, and my lovely C3 can't do it! We'll be out of town in a few weeks and I can't always ask my suplado brother to take a picture of this and that for me Choices are: Continue reading »

S.H.E - 不說再見

Lyrics below: Continue reading »

Taylor Swift - Tim McGraw 中文歌詞翻譯

Taylor Swift - Tim McGraw 泰勒絲 - Tim McGraw Written by Swift/Rose ※Tim McGraw 是一位美國知名鄉村歌手。 He said the way my blue eyes shined 他說我的藍眼閃亮 Put those Georgia stars to shame that night 讓喬治亞夜空的星星都黯然失色 I said: "That's a lie." 我說:你騙人 Just a boy in a Chevy truck 有一個開著雪佛蘭卡車的男孩 That had a tendency of gettin' stuck 在我家後面那條路上 On backroads at night 晚上常常車子拋錨 And I was right there beside him all summer long 整個夏天我都陪在他身邊 And then the time we woke up to find that summer gone 當我們清醒時, 原來夏天已經遠去 But when you think Tim McGraw 當你想起 Tim McGraw I hope you think my favorite song 我希望你想起我最愛的歌曲 The one we danced to all night long 那首我們跳舞整晚的音樂 The moon like a spotlight on the lake 月光映在湖面上就像聚光燈 When you think happiness 當你想起幸福 I hope you think that little black dress 希望你想起我的黑色小禮服 Think of my head on your chest 想著我的頭倚靠在你的胸膛 And my old faded blue jeans 還有我那件退色的藍色牛仔褲 When you think Tim McGraw 當你想起 Tim McGraw I hope you think of me 我希望你想起我 September saw a month of tears 整個九月只有眼淚相伴 And thankin' God that

Taylor Swift - Girl At Home 中文翻譯歌詞

Taylor Swift - Girl At Home 泰勒絲 - 金屋藏嬌 Don't look at me, 別對我放電 You've got a girl at home, 你家裡有個女孩在等你 And everybody knows that, 每個人都知道 Everybody knows that, 每個人都知道 oh oh Don't look at me, 別對我放電 You've got a girl at home, 你家裡有個女孩在等你 And everybody knows that. 每個人都知道 I don't even know her, 我根本不認識她 But I feel a responsibility, 但我覺得我有責任 To do what's upstanding and right, 做對的事情 It's kinda like a code, yeah, 就像守法一樣 And you've been getting closer and closer, 你越靠越近 And crossing so many lines. 超線太多 And it would be a fine proposition, 如果我夠蠢 If I was a stupid girl, 我會接受你的追求 But honey I am no-one's exception, 但親愛的 我不會讓你得逞 This I have previously learned. 這種事情我之前得過教訓 So Don't look at me, 別對我放電 You've got a girl at home, 你家裡有個女孩在等你 And everybody knows that, 每個人都知道 Everybody knows that, 每個人都知道 oh ohDon't look at me, 別對我放電 You've got a girl at home, 你家裡有個女孩在等你 And everybody knows that. 每個人都知道 everybody knows that. 每個人都知道 I see you turn off your phone, 我