
The awesomest stage design everrr!!!!!

This year's most anticipated and the most prestigious awards event in DAN is here - the Dannys 2016! The Dannys is where the hard work and dedication of the specialists are being recognized. This is the 6th consecutive year that the company held this event, and in every event, there is an unwritten rule that the current year's event has to be better than the previous years. And according to feedback we received, this year's Dannys is, so far, the most prestigious in the history of DAN. 😤

I can't help but feel proud being a part of this event even in the smallest way I can. The DANnys is the first event that EC has organized and, just like what Miss Ems mentioned, it turned out to be successful. We may not be able to incorporate each and every idea we had, but at least this counts as a good start for the upcoming company events this year.

As I am no writer, I won't waste your time anymore reading boring stuff. I'll let the pictures speak for the event...
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